Friday, April 30, 2010

Between the Lines

There's a book on a shelf, long forgotten and neglected
Its pages gather dust, once cherished, now dejected
No fingers have touched its spine, nor written in its pages
Its story goes quite unread, its plotline simply ages
Once loved and memorized, now cast from the light
It lays in the darkness, hopes for new stories to write
So one day perhaps a dedicated reader will find it
Draw it from the shadows, clean and rebind it
Take it outside to where the sun warmly shines
And reads it again, even between the lines

At a friends behest.....

It was just happenstance, meeting old friends online, who reminded me of my former glories. Of the time when my mind was a fertile planting ground that yielded good harvest when mixed with the heart. So one again, I took up the figurative pen, and tilled the soil with ink and pencil, till ideas began to grow and demanded to be fed. Then another friend yet said mayhap I should start a blog.....I shelved the idea for a few days of maturity, then pulled it back out to stare at it awhile. What you see here is the result of that cross pollenation of ideas. I am going to attempt to find something to share on a regular basis, and pray this well of thought will not go dry. Thank you, my friends, for planting the seeds that had long lay dormant.